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Marlboro Coupons
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free cigarette coupons

The List of Free Cigarette Coupons, Marlboro Coupons, and other Freebies that I Recommend to Check Out:

While there are some companies that claim that they have free cigarette coupons, in my experience most of the time this is just a way to attract people to their web site, and they give such kinds of promotions to all of their customers. Therefore, the most reliable way to get free cigarette coupons, including Marlboro coupons is through manufacturers.

Many manufactures maintain mailing lists to send cigarette coupons to their customers. If you want to get on the mailing list and find interesting deals on cheap cigarettes, either click on the link below to register online, or call the number listed for your cigarette brands manufacturer. These are numbers to the manufactures, therefore, different cigarette brands may have the same number.

However, if you want to buy cheap cigarettes without cigarette coupons, and get whopping discounts on your favorite cigarettes, please visit this online cigarette store.

The following table will provide links to online cigarette coupons registration on some of cigarette manufacturers web sites. Click on your favorite brand of cigarettes, register online, and get cigarette coupons sent to you for FREE:

You can also call the number listed in the following table, if you want cigarette coupons sent to you for FREE. This service is available only for customers that are over 18 years old. Be ready to provide the proof of identification.

Baileys - 1-800-766-5342 Merit - 1-800-343-0975
Basic - 1-800-343-0975 Misty - 1-800-341-5211
Benson Hedges - 1-800-343-0975 More - 1-800-551-2250
Cambridge - 1-800-343-0975 Now - 1-800-645-0015
Camel - 1-800-334-8157 Pall Mall - 1-800-341-5211
Capri - 1-800-341-5211 Salem - 1-800-433-4000
Carlton - 1-800-341-5211 Tareyton - 1-800-341-5211
Doral - 1-800-252-3500 Vantage - 1-800-826-8243
GPC - 1-800-341-5211 Viceroy - 1-800-341-5211
Kool - 1-800-341-5211 Virginia Slims - 800-343-0975
Lucky Strike - 1-800-578-7453 Winston - 1-800-826-2226
Marlboro - 1-800-343-0975  

Marlboro Coupons


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